About Us


Download Royalty-Free* Samples
Get inspired by our extensive catalog of Guitar Loops composed and recorded by Sébastien Graux and the community at SpicyX. You can sort out the Audio Library of SpicyX by styles, genres, tempo and download Audio and MIDI files for each compositions in seconds. *Master clearance guaranteed if bought online on an official platform and for Minor Releases only. Discover the library here and get placements! click here

Music Production & Publishing 
We provide beats and full music production for sync (TV, films, commercials) created by our community. For a special inquiry, please contact beats@sebastiengraux.be

Talent Agency for Music Creators
We represent you (Loopmakers, Beatmakers, Songwriters, Lyricist, Producers, Artists) as your Talent Agency and provide you with a dedicated bulletproof process and lawyers to collect your rights and get you paid in case your music / sample is used by a Major Artists or entity without your permission. To use this service, contact business@sebastiengraux.be